Purpose of this Policy

EVAWOLF INC.'s data protection policy centers on transparency with its clients and the minimization of client data usage. In compliance with French and European regulations, EVAWOLF INC. reserves the right to modify its policy to align with legal and/or technical developments and recommendations from competent authorities, with clients being notified of any changes.Unless required by imperative legal provisions, client data will be processed in accordance with the policy in effect at the time of service usage.

EVAWOLF INC. employs all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data processing and the confidentiality of Personal Data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This includes precautions to prevent data deformation, damage, or unauthorized access, such as physical protection of premises, secure authentication processes with personal access via confidential identifiers and passwords, connection logging, data encryption, and the use of effective antivirus and firewall measures.

The website utilizes a secure protocol to provide the best technical protection for data. Clients are also actively involved in protecting their personal data and are required to use a secure password composed of at least 8 characters, including alphanumeric and special characters.


The use of services is exclusively reserved for corporate clients acting within the scope of their corporate purpose and legal adults not under protective measures at the time of service usage, capable of subscribing to obligations in accordance with French law at the time of accepting the General Terms of Use.

Identity and Contact Information of Data Controllers:
Any data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person is considered personal data. A natural person is deemed identifiable if they can be identified directly or indirectly. The data controller is the natural or legal person, service, or any other entity that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing.

As a result, EVAWOLF INC. acts as a data controller for the data collected on the day of the User's personal account creation and for any modification of this data. EVAWOLF INC. may eventually transmit data to subcontractors, including freelancers involved in the Order. EVAWOLF INC. takes the utmost care to respect the protection and confidentiality of processed data.

Data Collection and Origin

All client data is collected directly from clients or their legal representatives. EVAWOLF INC. commits to obtaining the consent of its clients and/or allowing them to object to the use of their data for specific purposes whenever necessary.

Clients retain the right to stay informed, object to data usage, access and verify their data, rectify and limit their data, as well as erase their data. Clients are informed of the purposes for which their data is collected through various online data collection forms and the Cookie Management Charter.

Within the scope of their respective responsibilities and for the aforementioned purposes, the main individuals likely to have access to EVAWOLF INC. client data are customer service agents and any duly authorized and sensitized personnel involved in data collection and processing.

Purpose of Collected Data:
Data collection by EVAWOLF INC. is determined, explicit, and legitimate, adhering to the principle of data minimization—where data is adequate, relevant, and limited.1.

Necessity of Collection:
EVAWOLF INC. collects necessary data to ensure the best platform user experience and the optimal processing of client files. This includes, but is not limited to, the collection and processing of the following data: name, surname, address, date of birth, postal address, email address, landline and mobile phone numbers, bank and/or credit card references, artistic preferences, and communication preferences.

EVAWOLF INC. does not collect data related to religious beliefs, alleged racial or ethnic origins, political and union opinions, or criminal convictions. If a client chooses not to provide the requested information, it may result in the client being unable to access the platform, and EVAWOLF INC. may be unable to respond to their request.

Personal data collection is legally based on the legitimate interests of both EVAWOLF INC. and the client (including this personal data processing policy). Data of EVAWOLF INC. clients is processed for the following purposes:
  - Facilitating the creation of the client account.
  - Enabling navigation on the website.
  - Facilitating connections between the client and freelancers.
  - Carrying out promotional activities for EVAWOLF INC.

Data Retention Period

User data is retained for the duration of contractual relations plus 3 (three) years for animation and prospecting purposes, without prejudice to retention obligations or prescription periods. In matters of anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, data is retained for 5 years from the date of collection. In accounting matters, data is retained for 10 years from the closing date of the financial year. Once data is deleted, it becomes irretrievable.

Client Rights:
Whenever EVAWOLF INC. processes Personal Data, all reasonable measures are taken to ensure the accuracy and relevance of Personal Data concerning the purposes for which EVAWOLF INC. processes it.In accordance with current European regulations, EVAWOLF INC. clients have the following rights:
- Right of access (Article 15 GDPR), consultation, and rectification (Article 16 GDPR), updating, completeness of client data.
- Right to lock or erase the client's personal data (Article 17 of the GDPR) when they are inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated, or when collection, use, communication, or storage is prohibited.
- Right to withdraw consent at any time (Article 13-2c GDPR).
- Right to limit the processing of client data (Article 18 GDPR).
- Right to object to the processing of client data (Article 21 GDPR).
- Right to data portability for data provided by clients, when such data is subject to automated processing based on their consent or on a contract (Article 20 GDPR).
- Right to determine the fate of client data after their death and to choose to whom EVAWOLF INC. should communicate (or not) their data to a third party they have previously designated.

The client understands and accepts that the procedure can only be initiated following the notification of the client's death by a third party. Upon receiving the notification of the client's death, EVAWOLF INC. may delete certain data in accordance with the minimization principle of the GDPR.

However, some data will be retained during the aforementioned data retention period in "Client Rights".
If the client wishes to know how EVAWOLF INC. uses their Personal Data, wants to request rectification, objects to processing, or wishes to exercise any right they possess, the User can contact EVAWOLF INC. by postal mail at the following address:
EVAWOLF INC., 29 rue Le Nostre, ROUEN 76000, or by email at

The client must specify the Personal Data concerned by their request and must identify themselves precisely with a copy of a valid identity document (identity card or passport).

Requests for the deletion of Personal Data will be subject to the obligations imposed on EVAWOLF INC. by law, particularly regarding the retention or archiving of documents.

Finally, EVAWOLF INC. clients can file a complaint with the supervisory authorities, including the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL).

Cookies and Internet Tags

Cookies are text elements used to store information on web browsers. EVAWOLF INC. places cookies on its platform. Cookies are used, in particular, for:

- Storing and receiving identifiers and other information on devices (computers, phones, tablets, etc.),
- Establishing statistics on the consultation of pages and content offered by EVAWOLF INC. and its clients, as well as on the use of EVAWOLF INC.'s services by clients,
- Adapting advertisements offered to clients,
- Detecting digital devices originating spamming and phishing,
- Monitoring interactions of clients with other clients and content.Clients can:- Accept all cookies,
- Configure cookies (especially to set up advertisements and understand why an advertisement is displayed),
- Reject all cookies.

Click here to read the cookie policy.

International Data Transfer

The user accepts that his data is transmitted and/or processed outside the European Union, in particular by EVAWOLF INC. or its partners, in accordance with current European regulations.

Data may be transferred worldwide but will be submitted to EVAWOLF INC.  or its partners – in accordance with current European regulations. Data may be transferred worldwide but will be subject to the data processing rules of EVAWOLF INC. which themselves comply with European Union law. These data transfers are necessary to provide the services set out in the general conditions and in order to operate the services.

As such, EVAWOLF INC. undertakes to respect and ensure compliance with the provisions of the GDPR within the framework of the Binding Corporate Rules procedure and Article 47 of the GDPR. The User will benefit from the same rights as for their data processed from the territory of the European Union and the European Economic Area.

The User understands and accepts that their data may be transferred to the United States where the regulations in force offer the guarantees deemed adequate to the General Data Protection Regulation (as such, the American administration could seize certain data without EVAWOLF INC. being able to object). Transfers outside the European Economic Area will be limited to what is strictly necessary.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The data protection policy is subject to French law.

Any difficulties regarding the validity or interpretation of the data protection policy will be submitted, in the absence of an amicable agreement, to the courts of the registered office of EVAWOLF INC., to which the parties grant territorial jurisdiction, regardless of the place of performance or the domicile of the defendant.

If the user usually resides in the territory of the European Union and acts as a consumer, then the court of their habitual residence will be competent.